Dec 22, 2018 - exactly one year from ending our Japan tour with a wild show in Socrates Live House, Kyoto - one of the greatest, underground clubs I've ever played in, packed with local punk bands determined to have a great time despite the stormy weather outside. A great night followed, when we trawled the Kyoto streets with the support bands and ended up sleeping on their sofas and floorboards, before playing in one of their bars (Hawkwind) the next night.
I think this cover of The Clash's Safe European Homes has everything you could want from a punk cover; semi-naked Japanese punks singing along out of tune, audience and band in a heightened state of euphoria and inebriation, singers disappearing to dance in the crowd, a topless stage invasion to take the mic, and the arrival of Donald Trump in a wrestling leotard to close it down.